Image courtesy: Thinkstock What?s the fuss about?
Created by researcher Dr Izumi Tabata and his colleagues at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports, Japan, this time-effective form of interval training helps you push yourself to the limit, causing fat burn. A burst of raw aerobic activity is interspersed with an anaerobic one. For this, mark two points 20 to 30 feet apart. From point A, run 20 ft and back, then to 30 ft and back, as many times as you can in 20 seconds. ?One starts the Tabata routine after a five-minute warm-up. You begin with a 20-second burst, where you get to the maximum heartbeat rate for your age,? explains fitness consultant Mrinalini Mukherjee. ?This is followed by a 10-second break, after which another cardio kicking exercise is performed. This is repeated continuously for eight cycles (four minutes). You may keep on doing the four-minute runs till you reach a total of 20.? The rest of the usual one-hour class is used to do stretches or abdominals and the like.
USP: Originally, the Tabata routine was meant for highly-trained athletes, but has now been adapted by people who like a varied, challenging workout. Just four minutes of this high-intensity interval training is supposed to feel like ? and have the effectiveness of ? almost 40! Since it is done for such a short span of time, lack of time can?t be your excuse for missing out on this. ?Tabata can really pin you down and make you undergo an effective workout,? says Mukherjee.
You will need: You need a heart rate monitor to see, if you are hitting the optimum fat-burning rate. But if you?re working out in a class, try to max your effort and not bother about measuring your heart rate. Your weight is the only resistance you should be working with; anything more can put your heart at risk. Exercise clothes and shoes are essential.
Watch out: It is imperative to speak to a doctor before you start on the Tabata routine. Exercises to warm-up and cool-down are considered non-negotiable in Tabata. Originally, athletes added resistance training with weights and kettle bells. But it is advisable not to add any prop.
Expert?s Take: ?In today?s fast-paced life, I am often asked what form of fitness would help take off weight the fastest. All other things remaining constant, Tabata would be a viable answer,? says Mrinalini Mukherjee.
Tabata, workout, fitness, cardio, health, health alert, exercise, health advice, tips to stay fit, food, diet

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Source: http://idiva.com/news-health/health-alert-fast-fitness/16528
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