Monday, May 28, 2012

real economics: Conversion to a sustainable society will be difficult ...

When politicians are forced to clean up after the banksters, they are left with few resources to address the problems of the real economy.

Knocking the Wind Out of U.S. Energy Options

Elliott Negin,?Director of News & Commentary, Union of Concerned Scientists

Unless Congress acts soon, the wind industry will have to trim its sails--and its workforce.

An essential federal tax break for the fledgling industry, scheduled to expire at the end of the year, has become a victim of Washington gridlock. President Obama was in Newton, Iowa, yesterday at TPI Composites, a leading wind blade manufacturer, to again ask Congress to extend the production tax credit, which provides a credit of 2.2 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity produced by wind turbines--as well as geothermal, biomass and underwater turbines--for the first 10 years of production.

The president also urged Congress to expand a 30 percent tax credit instituted in 2009 for investments in companies manufacturing renewable energy components. The package, called the Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit, provided $2.3 billion in credits for solar panel parts, "smart" electric meters, fuel cell components and wind turbines.

Over the last decade, wind power has become one of the fastest growing energy sources around the world. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in the United States alone wind generated 120 billion kilowatt hours last year, 20 times more than in 2000 and enough to light up more than 20 million households. That 32 percent average annual growth rate is due to a number of factors, mainly improved technology, state standards requiring utilities to ramp up their reliance on renewables--and the federal production tax credit.

The production tax credit, which debuted in 1992, helps level the playing field between wind and coal and natural gas and is critical for financing new projects. Although most wind power developers don't pay taxes because they're not yet turning a profit, they can raise capital by selling the credits to companies that do.

Unlike a number of fossil-fuel and nuclear-power subsidies that are permanent, the production tax credit has to be renewed by Congress every few years. That puts the relatively new wind industry at a distinct disadvantage, making it difficult to attract investors and plan years in advance. And if Congress doesn't extend the production tax credit this year, the industry will take a significant hit. A December 2011 study by Navigant Consulting estimated that investment in wind projects will drop 65 percent, from $15.6 billion in 2012 to $5.5 billion in 2013; the industry will have to lay off nearly half of its workforce--some 37,000 people--next year; and wind developers will install only 2 gigawatts of wind power in 2013, less than a quarter of what is expected this year. more

And even in Germany where there is a unifying concern around environmental issues, projects are stalling because of the costs necessary to address the insanity surround the problems of the Euro.
Energy Revolution Interruptus

Germany Stalled on the Expressway to a Green Future

By Frank Dohmen, Alexander Jung, Michael Sauga and Andreas Wassermann ?05/23/2012

Germany's energy revolution has hardly begun, but it's already running out of steam. There is a lack of political decisiveness and companies are complaining of a dearth of incentives to invest billions in necessary infrastructure. Progress or no progress, taxpayers continue footing the bill.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the leader of the center-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU), will see federal diversity on display this Wednesday when she hosts Germany's governors for an energy summit in Berlin. She can expect to see 16 governors and hear 16 different opinions -- at the very least.

Each delegation has a different notion of what Germany's energy revolution should look like. The delegation from the northwestern state of Lower Saxony wants to promote offshore wind farms, while the representatives of the southwestern state of Baden-W?rttemberg favor projects that make more sense farther inland. The Bavarians are calling for new gas-fired power plants in the south, while politicians from the northeastern state of Brandenburg are championing the unfettered expansion of the solar industry, which is ailing in the east.

The cacophony reflects the current state of affairs. Things are all over the place in the energy turnaround at the moment, and nothing seems to be working. The key project of the coalition government of Merkel's CDU, its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU), and the pro-business Free Democratic Party (FDP) is stalling before it has truly begun.

A year ago, the chancellor was still able to fire people's imaginations with her energy plans. "We can be the world's first industrialized country to successfully navigate the transition to the electricity of the future," Merkel said at the time. When she summarilyfired Environment Minister Norbert R?ttgen last Wednesday, she had returned to the harsh light of reality. In a considerable understatement, Merkel admitted that "the implementation of the energy turnaround still requires substantial efforts."

Brandenburg Governor Matthias Platzeck, a member of the center-left Social Democratic Party (SPD), deplores the "intolerable jumble of authority" the federal government is creating during the energy turnaround. His fellow Social Democrat Matthias Machnig, economics minister of the eastern state of Thuringia, compares the "biggest infrastructure project of the postwar era" to a marathon, adding that Germany is "only 50 centimeters past the starting line." And that, says Kurt Beck, the SPD governor of the southwestern state of Rhineland-Palatinate, is the federal government's fault. "To this day, there is no clear policy in Berlin," he says. more

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'Like' this: Salutes to troops to flood Facebook feeds

Memorial Day is not just unforgettable: Thanks to Facebook it's also inescapable.

Salutes to troops past and present will be showing up every few seconds, this weekend, if the pace of posting is anything like Memorial Day 2011. Experts and everyday Facebook users say the social media Goliath has rearranged our thinking of how to mark this and every other holiday.

"The pressure is on to show you remember the birthday or national holiday, that you're not the bad friend or the bad daughter who forgot," says Sara Linton, 28, of Oakland.

Linton says she'll soon post an image of one of her most precious possessions, a framed letter from her grandfather, Ted Linton, to his wife, her grandmother Thora, on VJ Day in 1945.

"I'm proud we get to honor people and remember what they did," Linton says. "Posting something unique and real makes Facebook less superficial."

Vets and families of vets, we want you! Tweet us your memories, photos that show how military service has affected you: #uswarstories

Facebook holiday posts are a contagious phenomenon, encouraging users to mark every celebratory moment on line. "Likes" for Facebook's own flag-emblazoned Memorial Day page passed 102,000 by this week.

It's about the urge to be known, just like getting a tattoo or putting a bumper sticker on the car or running up the flag in front of the house on Monday, says Sam Gosling, a psychology professor at University of Texas, Austin, and author of Snoop: What your stuff says about you.

Sara Linton

Sara Linton plans to post to Facebook an image of one of her most precious possessions, a framed letter from her grandfather, Ted Linton, to his wife, her grandmother Thora, on VJ Day in 1945.

These are all "symbolic acts ? part of identity claiming, of saying to the world, 'This is who I am.' "

Ed Reiman presents his Facebook and Twitter identity as a husband, a grandfather and a retired businessman in Portland, Ore., and ? perhaps, most telling of all ? as a Vietnam Veteran who came home, crippled by post traumatic stress syndrome, on July 4, 1968.

Steve Barnhoorn

Steve Barnhoorn plans to post a picture of his great-grandfather Benjamin Pennington to Facebook over Memorial Day weekend.

Reiman, 65, tweeted at #USWarstories this week: "Was in Vietnam in the Army ? '67/'68 ? thru "Tet" ? survived ? think about it and friends I lost there everyday, but have lived well, raised a family ? have 'grands' ? and am now retired. I am blessed."

He has mixed feelings about the outpouring of Memorial Day posts on Facebook.

"I appreciate it. I think most folks are sincere. But I also think some people are trying to get rid of their own guilt for not speaking up sooner against the Vietnam War or for turning a cold shoulder to those veterans for 20 or 30 years," Reiman says.

He says he'll post this weekend on Facebook about "my pride in the people I knew and served beside."

Few Americans still mark the original way to celebrate Memorial Day with a visit to a veteran's grave. The Department of Veterans Affairs predicts more than 100,000 visitors to National Cemeteries this Monday, about the same as 2011. But there are 117 events for real time visits listed on the National Cemeteries Facebook Page, which has 3,389 likes.

Social media aren't necessarily to blame for the shift in observance. Given the mobile society, few people live near their own loved ones' graves any more.

" 'Local' is different now. Social media mean local is your computer, not your city," says Barbara Kemmis, executive director of the Cremation Association of North America.

So Steve Barnhoorn, 49, of Honeoye, N.Y, is a 'local' neighbor, one who invites you over to his place ? on Facebook ? to see his posts on veterans he reveres.

This weekend, watch for his post on his maternal great-grandfather Benjamin Pennington, who was "gassed in action" and wounded by enemy fire in World War I, and survived to be decorated with the Purple Heart.

Ever since Barnhoorn joined Facebook in 2009, he's posted for Veterans Day, and Pearl Harbor Day, Dec. 7, too. That's when he posts a photo of his great-grand-uncle Earl Frary, who was serving aboard the USS Vestal when the Japanese bombs rained down.

"The world should know about these great people. I get all kinds of positive comments back. People say, 'Wow, I didn't know you had that personal tie to history,' " Barnhoorn says.

For those who need help crafting creative forms of gratitude on Facebook holidays, fear not. There are apps for that. The site also offer 13 apps for showing appreciation for Father's Day, from Instagram-ing childhood photos of Pop, to a video I-love-you via Viddy.

For Memorial Day, those who don't have grandpa's World War II snapshots or inspiring letters can draw on free illustrations from sites such as It features 10 choices from a red-white-and-blue eagle flapping its wings to a bikini-busting beauty straddling a tank gun barrel.

Facebook posts also remind folks that partying and shopping are almost holiday duties.

AllFacebook, an unofficial Facebook blog from Web Media Brands, noted just days before Memorial Day last year, posts mentioning the holiday were chiefly invitations to barbecues and parties or pitches to shop holiday sales.

Blogger Jackie Cohen observed, "Only the occasional post addresses the fact that the holiday honors those who've died in military service," and only 20% of Americans knew the original purpose of the day.

Facebook holiday mentions roughly double every year in posts by the 500 largest public branded corporate pages (the ones with the most Facebook fans), according to Socialbakers, a media analytics company.

In 2012, there was a 73% jump in branded pages that wished folks Happy Mother's Day. Of all the branded paged with posts on Facebook that day, about 25% made a holiday mention.

On Memorial Day 2011, roughly one in four of the 185 posts that day on commercially branded pages made mention of the holiday.

"We expect that this Memorial Day brands will be commenting on the holiday more than they ever have in the past," says Socialbakers' CEO Jan Rezab.

Yet, the old-fashioned way of celebrating with a greeting card is undiminished by the competition from social media, says Jaci Twidwell, a spokeswoman for Hallmark Cards.

The urge to share runs on parallel tracks. Even as holiday wishes soar on line, people are still exchanging cards at the rate of 13 million a day, Twidwell says.

"Electronic communications are better for sharing information, but greeting cards are better for sharing emotion," Twidwell says. "You can't put a Facebook post in the shoebox under your bed. It doesn't replace the pleasure of getting something tangible in the mailbox. What Facebook has done is give us more options."

Rest assured, on the word of Emily Post's great-great-granddaughter and etiquette authority Anna Post. She says there's nothing rude about posting holiday greetings, "as long as you spend time off line with the people who matter most."

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Warum Google Mobilfunkbetreiber an den Einnahmen ?ber Android beteiligt

Follow the money: Wenn wir einbeziehen, dass Google Hardwarehersteller und Mobilfunkbetreiber am Umsatz der mobilen Suchen auf Android, also an Googles eigenem Android-Umsatz beteiligt, zeichnet sich ein sehr viel klareres Bild vom mobilen OS-Markt und Android im Speziellen.?

Wie attraktiv Android f?r Telefonhersteller und Mobilnetzbetreiber noch vor zwei, drei Jahren gewirkt haben muss:

Hier ist die Antwort auf das iPhone. Sie kommt von Google, einem gro?en Unternehmen, ihr bekommt also Planungssicherheit. Wir machen das OS Open Source. Ihr k?nnt es also anpassen und m?sst keine Lizenzen zahlen. Noch besser! Wenn Ihr die offizielle Google-Version von Android benutzt, m?sst Ihr lediglich die Googledienste in Android beibehalten und Ihr erhaltet den Zugang zum Appstore und einen prozentualen Anteil an den Ums?tzen, die wir mit der werbefinanzierten Suche ?ber Android machen.

Das erkl?rt auch, warum es WebOS ?unter anderem so schwer hatte: Obwohl es zwischenzeitig das mobile OS mit der besten User Experience war, fehlte dem OS neben den Apps auch der Hebel bei den Netzbetreibern. Die bewerben lieber ein Betriebssystem, bei dem sie noch zus?tzlich mitverdienen k?nnen und, icing on the cake, das OS mit eigener Bloatware anpassen lassen k?nnen.

Apples Vorteil mit dem iPhone liegt im Nachfragesog bei den Endkunden. Der fehlte webOS und der fehlt noch Windows Phone.

Eine der vielen Fragen lautet nun, wie Microsoft auf diese Herausforderung antwortet.?

Google hat hier sehr clever die Geldfl?sse auf einem mehrseitigen Markt entsprechend der Preissensitivit?ten und der Machtgef?lle positioniert. Mit open vs. closed hat das nur sehr am Rande etwas zu tun.

Google hat ein bemerkenswertes, komplexes Gesch?ftsmodell aufgebaut, das bisher vor allem an meines Erachtens zwei Umst?nden scheitert:

1. Die Einnahmen ?ber bei mobilen Suchabfragen geschaltete Werbung ist bisher zu gering, um signifkante Werte zu schaffen.

2. Der Wettbewerb auf Hardwarseite ist in der Plattform zu gro?, um dort bisher signifikante Profite zu erm?glichen.

Ersteres legt sich vielleicht ?ber einen l?ngeren Zeitraum. Letzteres ist direkt an die Architektur der Plattform gebunden.

Noch einmal: Google hat Motorola Mobility ?bernommen und k?nnte nun versuchen ?ber den vertikal integrierten Weg, a la Apple, mehr Wert f?r sich aus der immensen Verbreitung der Plattform zu schlagen. Das lohnt sich f?r Google nicht nur aufgrund der h?heren Margen, wenn sie eine attraktive Version anbieten, die anderen nicht bereitst?nde, sondern auch weil hier die Traffic Acquisition Costs wegfallen.?

F?r den Rest der Unternehmen im ?kosystem ist Android auch ohne dieses Szenario bereits?nicht so attraktiv, wie es einst erscheinte.

Horace Dediu ?ber die Zahlen:

Comparing revenue ?run rates?, on a yearly basis Android is 2.5% of iPhone or 1.6% of iOS.

As various members of the Android ecosystem are rewarded from the 40% revenue share of Android, it would be important to consider the scales involved in these illustrations when considering the influence Google exerts. It could be argued that Google?s spreading of wealth from search creates strong incentives for participation in its ecosystem.

However, there is little wealth created. 40% of a little is a lot less.

Ein Windows Phone mag vielleicht trotz Lizenzzahlungen attraktiver erscheinen, weil die Plattform weniger interne Hardwarekonkurrenz besitzt, muss es aber nicht.

Was w?re aber mit anderen potentiellen Einsteigern in den Markt der Telefonbetriebssysteme wie Facebook oder Amazon?

Sie brauchen Anreize, um selbst den wen auch geringen Aussch?ttungen von Google etwas entgegen zu setzen. Ihre Chance k?nnte gerade darin liegen, dass Googles Gesch?ftsmodellplay bisher nicht so aufgegangen ist wie geplant. Es ist aber alles andere als sicher.

Sicher ist dagegen, dass bei dem Androidschach die Endnutzer nicht die wichtigste Rolle spielen.


Zus?tzlich zu den Artikeln auf asymco ist zu dem Thema besonders die aktuelle Ausgabe des Podcasts ?The Critical Path? mit Horace Dediu sehr empfehlenswert.

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    Rondo leads Celtics to 85-75 Game 7 win over 76ers

    Boston Celtics guard Rajon Rondo gestures after making a 3-point basket during the fourth quarter of Game 7 against the Philadelphia 76ers in an NBA basketball Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series, Saturday, May 26, 2012, in Boston. The Celtics won 85-75 to advance to the conference finals against the Miami Heat. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

    Boston Celtics guard Rajon Rondo gestures after making a 3-point basket during the fourth quarter of Game 7 against the Philadelphia 76ers in an NBA basketball Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series, Saturday, May 26, 2012, in Boston. The Celtics won 85-75 to advance to the conference finals against the Miami Heat. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

    Boston Celtics forward Kevin Garnett screams after he scored during the fourth quarter of Game 7 against the Philadelphia 76ers in an NBA basketball Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series, Saturday, May 26, 2012, in Boston. The Celtics won 85-75 to advance to the conference finals against the Miami Heat. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

    Boston Celtics forward Paul Pierce (34) drives against Philadelphia 76ers forward Elton Brand (42) during the first quarter of Game 7 in the NBA basketball Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series, Saturday, May 26, 2012, in Boston. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

    Boston Celtics forward Kevin Garnett bends low on the parquet floor at the end of a timeout in the second quarter of Game 7 against the Philadelphia 76ers in an NBA basketball Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series, Saturday, May 26, 2012, in Boston. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

    Boston Celtics forward Brandon Bass (30) fights for a rebound with Philadelphia 76ers' Spencer Hawes (00) and forward Elton Brand, right, during the first quarter of Game 7 in an NBA basketball Eastern Conference semifinal playoff series, Saturday, May 26, 2012, in Boston. (AP Photo/Elise Amendola)

    BOSTON (AP) ? To Doug Collins, Boston's Big Three is already a memory.

    "I don't look at them as the Big Three. I look at them as the Championship Four," the Philadelphia coach said. "Because if you're going to leave Rondo out, you're making a huge mistake."

    Rajon Rondo helped his aging teammates keep their season going Saturday night, finishing with 18 points, 10 assists and 10 rebounds in Game 7 against the 76ers to lead Boston to an 85-75 victory and into an Eastern Conference finals matchup with the Miami Heat.

    The Celtics will open the third round of the NBA playoffs in Miami on Monday night.

    "I've already packed," Celtics coach Doc Rivers said. "We'll be ready. It's going to be a tough turnaround, but we're not an excuse team. We'll be ready on Monday."

    Bouncing back from his worst game of the playoffs ? and snapping out of a 32-minute slump in which he had just two assists and five points ? Rondo scored nine straight Boston points after Paul Pierce fouled out to help the Celtics turn a three-point edge into a double-digit lead.

    Rondo had 11 points in the fourth quarter, including his first 3-pointer in five games, made all four of his free throws down the stretch and grabbed his 10th rebound in the final minute ? chucking it over his head and into the frontcourt to help the Celtics dribble down the clock.

    "He really came through," Sixers guard Jrue Holiday said. "He put the team on his back."

    Andre Iguodala scored 18 points, and Holiday and Elton Brand had 15 apiece for the 76ers, who eliminated the top-seeded Chicago Bulls in the first round but couldn't do the same with the Celtics.

    Kevin Garnett had 18 points and 13 rebounds for Boston, and Ray Allen hit a pair of fourth-quarter 3-pointers after missing his first five attempts.

    "Ray is the ultimate gunslinger," Rivers said. "That's what makes great players great. I was a basketball player someday, and I would have never taken that shot."

    Pierce had 15 points and nine rebounds before fouling out with 4:16 left.

    That's when Rondo took over.

    The point guard, who had nine points and a playoff-low six assists in the Game 6 loss in Philadelphia, scored on a baseline drive and followed it up with a long 2-pointer (originally scored a 3) with 2:47 left. Then he made a 3-pointer with a little more than 2 minutes left to make it a 10-pont game and, after Brand scored on a tip-in, Rondo went to the line as the crowd chanted "M-V-P! M-V-P!" and hit a pair of free throws to leave Boston with an 80-70 lead with 1:44 left.

    The Celtics will now face the actual NBA MVP ? LeBron James ? along with Dwyane Wade and the rest of the Heat. Miami advanced to the conference finals by eliminating the Indiana Pacers in six games.

    Miami beat Boston in five games in the conference semifinals last year. In 2010, the Celtics eliminated the Heat in the first round and then knocked James and the Cavaliers out in the second ? his final game with Cleveland before defecting to Miami.

    "Last year is in the past," Rondo said. "This year we're a totally different team. We feel we can beat Miami. We got to this point; there's no doubt in my mind we can. We've got to go down there and take care of business."

    Philadelphia had one last chance with 100 seconds to play after Holiday made a 3-pointer to cut it to seven points. Pierce was left with nothing to do but cheerlead, waving his arms to encourage the crowd as Garnett went to the line with just under a minute left.

    He made one of two, but Holiday lost the ball on the way to the basket and Rondo made a pair of free throws with 54 seconds left. Allen made a pair as the crowd chanted "Beat the Heat!"

    Jodie Meeks' 3-pointer rimmed out, the ball bounced to the floor and Rondo got his hands on it to complete the triple-double.

    Pierce picked up two fouls seven seconds apart with about 8 minutes to play, then his fifth with 5:16 left. Rivers left him in, and Pierce picked up No. 6 a minute later ? a charging call against Thaddeus Young out by the free throw line.

    Notes: Boston got off to a fast start, taking a 10-2 lead thanks to four assists and two rebounds from Rondo in the first 3 minutes. ... The Celtics missed their first 14 attempts from 3-point range and made their last three. ... Seven of the first nine fouls were called against the Celtics. ... It was the 25th anniversary of Larry Bird's steal, and pass to Dennis Johnson, on Isiah Thomas' inbounds pass to beat Detroit in the 1987 playoffs. ... CNN anchor John King, a Boston native, took in the game from courtside. ... Philadelphia shot 28 percent from the floor in the first half.

    Associated Press

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    home improvement - Considerations For Putting A TV Up On A Wall

    A popular way to mount a flat screen television is on a wall. People like the minimal impact that it makes in a room as far as its footprint, but it adds a certain style that looks cool and impressive. That is why people like to hang them on the wall and not use a traditional television stand. You can mount them almost anywhere, as long as you have the right mounting hardware and a wall that is sturdy enough to handle the extra weight.

    Mounting them the wrong way or not using real hardware, rigging something up on your own, is dangerous. It can fall and damage the television, the wall and anything that happens to be sitting under the television at the time. Another thing to think about is the wires needed to connect the television to the other components and to a power outlet. Many times the builder will take this into account in newer homes and has hidden a way to supply the power and a way to hook up everything.

    Yet in older homes this is usually not an option without doing a little bit of remodeling. Another option besides mounting directly on the wall is to put the television on a shelf. This way it can be very close to the wall, take up less floor space and looks like it is hanging on the wall. This can work on a mantle over a fireplace or on a shelf specially built for the television. But once again, the shelf needs to be able to hold the weight of the television as well as have access to electricity.

    This is often more trouble than it's worth for most people. It really comes down to a personal choice and preference and how much work and money you want to throw at the project. But remember, if you aren't going to hang the television on the wall, you still need some sort of stand to place it on. Most stands, even old ones for conventional tube televisions, will work. But they take up almost as much floor space as the big old televisions used to take up.

    That's the great thing about these new flat screen televisions. They not only have better picture quality, but they also take up much less area. This is great, especially if you have a small room without a lot of extra room for bulky furniture. But everything has concerns to go along with the positives; you just have to decide which ones are most significant to you.

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    Florida: Romney up 6 points in Florida; Rubio has little impact as GOP running mate

    May 23, 2012 - Romney Up 6 Points In Florida, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Rubio Has Little Impact As GOP Running Mate
    Word format

    Gov. Mitt Romney holds a 47 - 41 percent lead over President Barack Obama in Florida, where 63 percent of voters say the president's support of same-sex marriage will not affect their vote, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Another 25 - 11 percent of voters, including 23 - 9 percent among independent voters, say Obama's support of gay marriage makes them less likely to support his candidacy.

    Adding Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio to the GOP ticket would give the Republican Romney/Rubio team a 49 - 41 percent lead over President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Romney's lead in the horse race compares to a 44 - 43 percent tie in a May 3 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and a 49 - 42 percent Obama lead March 28. Florida registered voters say 52 - 44 percent that the president does not deserve a second term in the Oval Office and by 52 - 44 percent give him a thumbs-down on his job approval. "Gov. Mitt Romney has slipped into the lead in Florida and that standing is confirmed by his much better numbers than the president when voters are asked whether they view the candidates favorably or unfavorably. They view Romney favorably 44 - 35 percent, while Obama gets a negative 45 - 50 percent favorability," said Peter A. Brown, assistant vice president of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "The overall picture in Florida is positive for Romney, who is ahead 50 - 37 percent among men, while women are divided 44 - 45 percent. And the president is getting just 33 percent of white votes, compared to 85 percent of black votes and 42 percent of Hispanic votes." With the bitter GOP primaries now behind him, Romney is winning Republicans 91 - 3 percent and independent voters 44 - 36 percent, while losing Democrats 87 - 4 percent. In the Romney/Rubio race verses Obama/Biden, independent voters back the Republican ticket 46 - 37 percent. Separate from their favorable opinion, Florida voters say 76 - 21 percent that Obama is a likeable person, compared to 58 - 30 percent for Romney. Even Republicans say 58 - 38 percent that Obama is likeable, while Democrats say 55 - 33 percent that Romney is not likeable. Independent voters say 73 - 23 percent that Obama is likeable and 58 - 31 percent that Romney is likeable. Romney is viewed as better able to handle the economy, 50 - 40 percent. On the issue of same-sex marriage, Florida voters, who have banned such unions in the State Constitution, now say they oppose them 50 - 40 percent. Men oppose same-sex marriage 55 - 35 percent while women are divided 44 - 46 percent. Support is 57 - 33 percent among voters under 35 years old. Opposition is 52 - 38 percent among voters 35 to 54 years old and 55 - 36 percent among voters over 55. When given a three-way choice:
    • 36 percent favor gay marriage;
    • 34 percent back civil unions;
    • 23 percent oppose all legal recognition.
    A total of 22 percent of Florida voters say same-sex marriage is "extremely important" or "very important" to their presidential vote, while 26 percent say "somewhat important" and 49 percent say "not important." Romney's opposition to same-sex marriage will not affect their vote, 56 percent of Florida votes say, while 23 percent say it makes them more likely to vote for him and 19 percent say less likely. "While the issue of same-sex marriage looks like it affects only one-third of Florida voters, we know from experience what a few votes can mean in the Sunshine State," said Brown. From May 15 - 21, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,722 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.4 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research. For more data or RSS feed-, call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter. 2. If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and Mitt Romney the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Obama                41%     3%    87%    36%    37%    45%    33%    85%    42%
 Romney               47     91      4     44     50     44     56      3     40
 SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2      1      1      5      3      1      3      -      1
 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      3      2      2      4      3      2      2      1      7
 DK/NA                 7      3      6     12      7      7      6     11     10
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Obama                40%    30%    22%    28%    30%    37%    14%    33%    33%
 Romney               53     57     67     60     60     53     74     56     57
 SMONE ELSE(VOL)       3      3      3      2      4      2      3      3      3
 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      1      2      2      2      2      2      1      3      2
 DK/NA                 3      7      6      8      5      7      8      6      5
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Obama                47%    39%    46%    46%    40%    35%    45%    44%    39%
 Romney               44     48     36     43     51     59     34     48     51
 SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2      2      2      2      3      2      3      2      2
 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      1      3      4      3      2      -      4      3      2
 DK/NA                 5      8     12      6      5      4     14      4      6
    TREND: If the election for President were being held today, and the candidates were Barack Obama the Democrat and Mitt Romney the Republican, for whom would you vote? (2011 wording referenced "2012 election")
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  May 03  Mar 28  Jan 26  Jan 11  Mar 28  Sep 22
                      2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2011
 Obama                41      43      49      45      43      49      40
 Romney               47      44      42      45      46      42      47
 SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2       3       2       2       2       2       2
 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      3       2       2       3       3       2       4
 DK/NA                 7       9       5       6       6       5       8
    3. Let's say the Democratic ticket is Barack Obama for president and Joe Biden for vice president and the Republican ticket is Mitt Romney for president and Marco Rubio for vice president. If you were voting today, how would you vote?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Obama/Biden          41%     3%    89%    37%    38%    44%    34%    86%    39%
 Romney/Rubio         49     92      5     46     52     46     58      5     45
 SMONE ELSE(VOL)       1      1      -      3      2      1      2      -      -
 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      2      1      2      3      2      2      1      1      6
 DK/NA                 6      3      4     12      6      7      5      8     10
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Obama/Biden          40%    31%    23%    29%    30%    37%    17%    33%    32%
 Romney/Rubio         55     59     70     62     61     55     76     58     59
 SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2      2      3      -      3      1      2      2      2
 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      1      1      1      3      1      2      1      2      1
 DK/NA                 2      7      4      6      5      6      5      5      6
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Obama/Biden          47%    39%    46%    47%    41%    35%    44%    45%    39%
 Romney/Rubio         46     50     39     44     52     61     37     49     53
 SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2      1      1      1      1      1      2      2      1
 WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      1      2      3      3      2      -      3      2      2
 DK/NA                 3      8     11      4      4      3     14      3      5
    4. Is your opinion of Mitt Romney favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Favorable            44%    81%    10%    40%    50%    39%    51%    10%    41%
 Unfavorable          35      7     68     33     31     38     32     56     27
 Hvn't hrd enough     19     11     20     24     18     19     14     33     27
 REFUSED               2      2      2      3      2      3      2      1      4
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Favorable            49%    52%    59%    54%    57%    45%    66%    49%    54%
 Unfavorable          39     29     25     29     28     37     17     34     29
 Hvn't hrd enough     11     16     14     16     14     15     14     16     14
 REFUSED               1      3      2      2      1      4      3      1      3
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Favorable            43%    45%    32%    40%    49%    59%    28%    46%    49%
 Unfavorable          41     32     38     38     36     28     33     36     36
 Hvn't hrd enough     14     21     27     20     12     12     36     15     13
 REFUSED               2      3      3      2      3      1      2      2      2
    TREND: Is your opinion of Mitt Romney favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  May 03  Mar 28  Jan 26  Jan 11  Jan 11  Feb 07
                      2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2007
 Favorable            44      40      41      43      47      47      13
 Unfavorable          35      34      36      37      29      29      11
 Hvn't hrd enough     19      22      19      17      22      22      75
 REFUSED               2       4       4       3       3       3       1
    5. Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Favorable            45%     8%    88%    42%    41%    48%    37%    83%    51%
 Unfavorable          50     90      7     49     54     46     60      9     38
 Hvn't hrd enough      3      1      3      4      3      3      1      6      9
 REFUSED               2      1      1      4      2      2      2      2      2
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Favorable            45%    34%    26%    32%    33%    41%    19%    37%    35%
 Unfavorable          52     63     71     65     64     55     78     59     60
 Hvn't hrd enough      1      1      1      2      1      1      1      2      2
 REFUSED               2      2      2      2      2      2      2      3      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Favorable            51%    43%    51%    50%    42%    41%    50%    47%    44%
 Unfavorable          45     52     43     44     54     58     38     51     53
 Hvn't hrd enough      2      3      4      2      3      -      8      2      1
 REFUSED               2      2      3      4      1      1      4      1      2
    TREND: Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  May 03  Mar 28  Jan 26  Jan 11  Feb 19  Feb 07
                      2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2009    2007
 Favorable            45      46      51      49      45      69      37
 Unfavorable          50      47      44      48      50      22      18
 Hvn't hrd enough      3       4       2       1       3       6      44
 REFUSED               2       3       3       2       2       3       1
    6. Is your opinion of Marco Rubio favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Favorable            44%    79%    11%    40%    47%    41%    51%     9%    41%
 Unfavorable          24      3     48     24     25     24     23     35     23
 Hvn't hrd enough     31     17     40     35     27     34     25     54     35
 REFUSED               1      -      1      1      1      1      1      2      1
    TREND: Is your opinion of Marco Rubio favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  Feb 03  Aug 19  Jul 30  Jun 09  May 23  Apr 16
                      2012    2011    2010    2010    2010    2012    2009
 Favorable            44      41      35      35      36      44      10
 Unfavorable          24      17      28      24      28      24      11
 Hvn't hrd enough     31      41      34      38      34      31      78
 REFUSED               1       2       2       3       2       1       2
    7. Is your opinion of Joe Biden favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Favorable            36%     7%    72%    32%    31%    40%    30%    73%    32%
 Unfavorable          42     76      8     41     48     38     51      6     32
 Hvn't hrd enough     21     16     19     26     20     22     18     20     35
 REFUSED               1      1      1      1      2      1      1      -      2
    TREND: Is your opinion of Joe Biden favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                      May 23  Dec 08  Feb 07
                      2012    2011    2007
 Favorable            36      37      20
 Unfavorable          42      40      22
 Hvn't hrd enough     21      21      57
 REFUSED               1       2       1
    8. Compared to past presidential elections, how would you describe your level of enthusiasm about voting in this year's presidential election; are you more enthusiastic than usual, less enthusiastic, or about the same as usual?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 More                 38%    51%    32%    29%    41%    34%    39%    42%    32%
 Less                 19     15     17     26     17     21     21      8     18
 About the same       42     33     50     44     41     43     40     47     47
 DK/NA                 2      1      1      1      1      2      1      3      2
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 More                 39%    38%    41%    42%    44%    34%    41%    40%    42%
 Less                 18     22     20     23     17     24     20     22     19
 About the same       42     39     38     33     39     41     38     36     39
 DK/NA                 1      1      1      2      1      1      1      1      -
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 More                 37%    38%    31%    35%    43%    41%    23%    35%    45%
 Less                 17     20     23     19     18     15     27     17     17
 About the same       45     40     43     45     39     44     48     46     37
 DK/NA                 1      2      3      1      1      -      2      1      2
    TREND: Compared to past presidential elections, how would you describe your level of enthusiasm about voting in this year's presidential election; are you more enthusiastic than usual, less enthusiastic, or about the same as usual? (2011 wording referenced "2012 election")
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  May 03  Mar 28  Jan 26  Jan 11  Sep 22  Dec 08
                      2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2011
 More                 38      35      35      38      37      40      32
 Less                 19      26      27      20      21      22      23
 About the same       42      38      37      41      41      37      44
 DK/NA                 2       1       1       1       1       1       1
    16. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Marco Rubio is handling his job as United States Senator?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Approve              54%    83%    22%    54%    59%    49%    59%    25%    55%
 Disapprove           27      5     54     27     26     29     24     46     29
 DK/NA                19     12     24     19     15     22     17     29     16
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Approve              58%    60%    69%    66%    63%    55%    73%    62%    63%
 Disapprove           29     21     16     18     22     25     10     23     23
 DK/NA                13     19     15     16     15     20     17     15     15
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Approve              51%    55%    46%    51%    58%    63%    41%    60%    56%
 Disapprove           34     25     30     28     28     25     29     28     26
 DK/NA                15     21     25     21     14     12     31     12     17
    TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Marco Rubio is handling his job as United States Senator?
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  Jan 26  Jan 10  Nov 11  Sep 21  May 23  Feb 03
                      2012    2012    2012    2011    2011    2012    2011
 Approve              54      48      50      49      49      54      42
 Disapprove           27      33      29      29      31      27      20
 DK/NA                19      20      21      22      20      19      37
    18. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Approve              44%     6%    90%    39%    38%    49%    34%    91%    52%
 Disapprove           52     91      7     56     58     47     63      7     43
 DK/NA                 3      3      2      5      4      3      3      2      5
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Approve              41%    31%    25%    28%    28%    40%    19%    34%    33%
 Disapprove           56     66     73     67     69     57     78     62     64
 DK/NA                 3      3      2      5      4      3      3      4      3
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Approve              48%    43%    53%    49%    42%    35%    53%    44%    42%
 Disapprove           48     54     44     49     56     61     40     52     56
 DK/NA                 4      3      4      3      2      4      7      3      2
    TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  May 03  Mar 28  Jan 26  Jan 11  Feb 19  Sep 22
                      2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2009    2011
 Approve              44      46      47      46      42      64      39
 Disapprove           52      50      49      52      54      23      57
 DK/NA                 3       4       5       2       4      13       5
    20. Do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Yes/Deserves         44%     4%    91%    41%    40%    47%    35%    88%    49%
 No/Does not          52     93      7     54     57     48     62      6     43
 DK/NA                 4      3      3      5      3      5      3      6      8
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Yes/Deserves         41%    32%    23%    30%    31%    38%    16%    35%    35%
 No/Does not          56     65     75     67     67     58     80     63     62
 DK/NA                 4      3      2      3      3      3      3      3      3
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Yes/Deserves         48%    42%    51%    48%    42%    37%    53%    44%    41%
 No/Does not          47     54     44     47     56     62     42     52     56
 DK/NA                 4      4      5      5      2      1      5      3      3
    TREND: Do you feel that Barack Obama deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected? (*High also 50% May 2011)
                                                              High    Low
                      May 23  May 03  Mar 28  Jan 26  Jan 11  Mar 28* Sep 22
                      2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2011
 Yes/Deserves         44      45      50      47      44      50      41
 No/Does not          52      50      47      49      52      47      53
 DK/NA                 4       5       3       4       4       3       6
    22. Would you say Barack Obama is a likable person or not?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Yes                  76%    58%    98%    73%    76%    76%    72%    96%    79%
 No                   21     38      2     23     22     21     25      2     19
 DK/NA                 3      4      1      4      2      3      3      2      2
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Yes                  80%    69%    65%    71%    72%    72%    64%    73%    72%
 No                   20     27     31     26     26     24     32     24     25
 DK/NA                 1      4      4      3      2      4      4      3      3
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Yes                  82%    74%    77%    79%    81%    71%    80%    80%    74%
 No                   17     23     20     19     18     26     19     18     23
 DK/NA                 1      3      3      2      1      2      1      2      3
    23. Would you say Mitt Romney is a likable person or not?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Yes                  58%    84%    33%    58%    63%    54%    63%    40%    56%
 No                   30      9     55     31     28     32     28     42     29
 DK/NA                11      7     12     12      9     14      9     18     15
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Yes                  65%    62%    73%    65%    66%    59%    76%    63%    66%
 No                   30     27     18     29     26     30     13     28     26
 DK/NA                 6     11     10      6      8     11     11      9      8
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Yes                  61%    57%    52%    59%    61%    65%    45%    61%    62%
 No                   33     29     33     30     32     29     37     31     28
 DK/NA                 6     14     15     11      6      6     19      8     10
    24. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on the economy, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Obama                40%     4%    85%    35%    36%    43%    32%    81%    40%
 Romney               50     91      7     50     55     45     59      8     42
 DK/NA                10      5      8     16      9     11      8     10     18
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Obama                39%    29%    21%    27%    29%    36%    14%    32%    33%
 Romney               56     61     71     64     65     54     76     60     60
 DK/NA                 5     10      8      9      7     10     10      8      7
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Obama                45%    38%    47%    44%    39%    31%    43%    41%    39%
 Romney               48     50     40     48     51     65     42     50     53
 DK/NA                 7     12     14      9     10      4     16      9      8
    TREND: Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on the economy, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
                      May 23  May 03  Mar 28  Jan 26  Jan 11  Dec 08  Nov 10
                      2012    2012    2012    2012    2012    2011    2011
 Obama                40      40      45      41      39      41      39
 Romney               50      49      48      50      52      49      49
 DK/NA                10      11       7       9       9      10      12
    28. In general, do you support or oppose same-sex marriage?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Support              40%    16%    65%    41%    35%    44%    39%    45%    40%
 Oppose               50     76     25     46     55     46     53     37     49
 DK/NA                10      7     10     13     10     10      8     18     11
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Support              46%    35%    24%    35%    33%    44%    15%    41%    33%
 Oppose               47     56     67     55     58     48     79     49     58
 DK/NA                 8      9      8     10      9      8      6      9     10
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Support              45%    38%    41%    40%    41%    45%    57%    38%    36%
 Oppose               45     52     47     54     48     50     33     52     55
 DK/NA                10     10     13      7     11      5     10     10      9
    29. Do you think same-sex couples should be allowed legally to marry, should be allowed legally to form civil unions but not marry, or should not be allowed to obtain legal recognition of their relationships?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Marry                36%    13%    57%    38%    32%    39%    35%    33%    40%
 Civil unions         34     46     21     35     35     34     36     27     30
 No recognition       23     34     14     21     26     20     23     27     23
 DK/NA                 8      8      7      6      8      8      7     13      7
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Marry                42%    32%    21%    33%    29%    41%    13%    38%    28%
 Civil unions         40     34     40     42     38     33     38     40     39
 No recognition       15     26     33     17     26     20     41     17     25
 DK/NA                 3      8      6      8      7      6      7      6      8
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Marry                40%    34%    37%    34%    36%    43%    50%    36%    32%
 Civil unions         38     32     24     36     41     39     21     34     39
 No recognition       16     25     27     26     18     14     21     24     22
 DK/NA                 6      9     12      5      5      4      8      7      8
    TREND: Do you think same-sex couples should be allowed legally to marry, should be allowed legally to form civil unions, but not marry, or should not be allowed to obtain legal recognition of their relationships?
                      May 23  Jan 22  Sep 8   Aug 8
                      2012    2009    2008    2007
 Marry                36      27      27      27
 Civil unions         34      35      35      29
 No recognition       23      31      31      35
 DK/NA                 8       7       6       9
    30. Regardless of how you intend to vote, who do you think would do a better job on same-sex marriage, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Obama                52%    23%    82%    55%    49%    55%    47%    72%    56%
 Romney               31     60      6     25     35     27     38      7     21
 DK/NA                17     17     11     21     16     19     16     21     23
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Obama                54%    43%    34%    46%    43%    50%    27%    50%    45%
 Romney               34     39     50     38     42     33     59     34     39
 DK/NA                12     17     17     16     14     17     14     16     16
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Obama                56%    50%    55%    56%    51%    51%    64%    53%    48%
 Romney               30     31     24     29     37     34     18     32     35
 DK/NA                14     19     21     15     13     15     18     15     17
    31. How important will the issue of same-sex marriage be in your vote for President this year; extremely important, very important, somewhat important, or not important?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 Extremely important  10%    12%     8%    10%     9%    11%     9%    13%    13%
 Very important       12     12     12     12     11     13     11     10     19
 Somewhat important   26     26     33     22     22     30     27     23     25
 Not important        49     49     46     54     56     44     51     49     41
 DK/NA                 2      1      2      1      1      2      1      4      2
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 Extremely important   6%    11%    13%     6%     9%    10%    18%     7%    10%
 Very important       11     11     12      7     10     11     16      8     10
 Somewhat important   31     26     27     29     22     33     27     27     25
 Not important        53     51     46     57     58     45     38     57     54
 DK/NA                 -      2      1      1      1      1      2      1      1
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 Extremely important   7%    12%    16%    12%    11%     4%    12%     7%    10%
 Very important       10     13     13     11     10     11     13     13     11
 Somewhat important   29     25     29     27     22     30     33     24     26
 Not important        55     48     38     49     57     56     41     54     51
 DK/NA                 -      2      3      1      -      -      1      1      2
    32. As you may know, Barack Obama supports same-sex marriage. Does Barack Obama's support for same-sex marriage make you more likely to vote for him for President, less likely to vote for him for President, or doesn't it make a difference?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 More likely          11%     1%    21%     9%    10%    12%     9%    11%    17%
 Less likely          25     43      7     23     26     24     28     13     22
 No difference        63     54     70     67     63     63     61     73     59
 DK/NA                 2      2      1      1      2      2      1      3      2
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 More likely          14%     7%     6%     7%     7%    11%     3%    10%     6%
 Less likely          24     30     41     22     30     26     52     21     29
 No difference        61     62     52     70     61     62     43     68     62
 DK/NA                 1      2      1      2      2      1      2      2      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 More likely          12%    10%    10%    12%    12%    11%    18%     9%     9%
 Less likely          22     26     25     25     25     20     19     22     28
 No difference        65     62     61     62     63     69     63     68     61
 DK/NA                 1      2      3      1      1      -      -      1      2
    33. As you may know, Mitt Romney opposes same-sex marriage. Does Mitt Romney's opposition to same-sex marriage make you more likely to vote for him for President, less likely to vote for him for President, or doesn't it make a difference?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 More likely          23%    44%     5%    20%    25%    22%    26%    10%    23%
 Less likely          19      3     34     17     18     19     17     18     25
 No difference        56     51     59     59     55     56     56     66     46
 DK/NA                 2      1      1      4      2      3      1      5      5
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 More likely          23%    27%    39%    22%    28%    24%    52%    18%    29%
 Less likely          22     14      9     13     15     19      6     16     15
 No difference        54     57     50     64     56     56     40     65     55
 DK/NA                 1      2      1      1      2      1      2      1      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 More likely          20%    24%    24%    25%    23%    19%    19%    19%    27%
 Less likely          21     17     22     16     17     19     30     16     16
 No difference        57     55     51     58     59     60     49     64     55
 DK/NA                 1      3      4      1      2      1      2      1      2
    34. As you may know, Mitt Romney opposes civil unions for same-sex couples. Does Mitt Romney's opposition to civil unions for same-sex couples make you more likely to vote for him for President, less likely to vote for him for President, or doesn't it make a difference?
                      Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    Wht    Blk    Hsp
 More likely          15%    28%     4%    14%    16%    14%    17%     9%    16%
 Less likely          23      3     41     26     23     24     22     23     26
 No difference        59     66     53     57     59     59     59     63     53
 DK/NA                 3      3      1      3      3      3      2      5      4
                      COLLEGE DEG                               BornAgnEv  Miltry
                      Yes    No     Prot   Cath   Men    Wom    Yes    No  HsHold
 More likely          14%    18%    25%    15%    18%    15%    34%    11%    18%
 Less likely          29     19     14     16     20     24      9     22     18
 No difference        56     60     59     67     60     58     54     66     61
 DK/NA                 1      3      3      1      2      2      4      2      2
                      COLLEGE DEG   ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME...  AGE IN YRS.......
                      Yes    No     100K  18-34  35-54  55+
 More likely          13%    16%    16%    18%    15%    10%    16%    14%    16%
 Less likely          28     21     28     20     23     23     37     19     21
 No difference        58     59     51     62     60     65     45     66     60
 DK/NA                 1      3      5      1      2      2      2      1      3

    Demographic Summary

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    Tropical storm warnings for Southeast coast

    This image provided by NASA shows Subtropical Storm Beryl along the South Carolina Georgia coastlines. The image was acquired Friday May 25, 2012 at 11:30 p.m. EDT. Tropical storm warnings have been issued for the Southeast coast from north Florida to South Carolina as a cluster of thunderstorms was gathering strength Friday night and expected to become Tropical Storm Beryl over the Memorial Day weekend. The National Weather Service said that the storm's maximum sustained winds were at 45 mph. But they are expected to increase as the storm moves over the waters of the Atlantic. (AP Photo/NASA)

    This image provided by NASA shows Subtropical Storm Beryl along the South Carolina Georgia coastlines. The image was acquired Friday May 25, 2012 at 11:30 p.m. EDT. Tropical storm warnings have been issued for the Southeast coast from north Florida to South Carolina as a cluster of thunderstorms was gathering strength Friday night and expected to become Tropical Storm Beryl over the Memorial Day weekend. The National Weather Service said that the storm's maximum sustained winds were at 45 mph. But they are expected to increase as the storm moves over the waters of the Atlantic. (AP Photo/NASA)

    (AP) ? Tropical storm warnings have been issued for the Southeast coast from north Florida to South Carolina as a cluster of thunderstorms was gathering strength early Saturday and expected to become Tropical Storm Beryl over the Memorial Day weekend.

    The National Weather Service said that the storm's maximum sustained winds were at 45 mph. But they are expected to increase as the storm moves over the waters of the Atlantic.

    The system was about 285 miles (460 kilometers) from Charleston, S.C., at 2 a.m. and swirling toward the Southeast coast.

    Tropical storm warnings were issued for the Volusia/Brevard County line in Florida to Edisto Beach, S.C., and watches from Edisto Beach to the Santee River. The storm is expected to eventually move southwest and the Georgia coast and northern Florida could see heavy rains starting Sunday and into next week.

    Higher than normal tides will be crashing against the Southeastern coast and may cause flooding. Heavy rain is forecast and dangerous surf was expected along the coasts of northeastern Florida, Georgia and South Carolina over the holiday weekend.

    Forecasters are classifying the storm as Subtropical Storm Beryl, which has more to do with how the center of the storm is forming, not wind speed, according to Weather Underground's website. It is the second named Atlantic storm of the hurricane season that doesn't officially begin until June 1.

    Often when subtropical storms remain over warm water for several days, they become tropical because thunderstorms start building close to the center.

    Forecasters were not indicating that the storm would become a hurricane.

    Associated Press

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    Saturday, May 26, 2012

    FAMILY PRESERVATION ADVOCACY: Reform Adoption & Safe ...

    Khrysti Martarello-Lunnar writes:

    ??? Above you will find the link for our newest petition. As some of you know, we've created it?to eliminate federal funding for children adopted from foster care. I made the decision to void the previous petition upon discovery that some of the people who signed it had, in fact, actually abused, neglected and even molested their children but signed the petition. My intention is NOT to pave the way for guilty parents/family members to regain custody of their children, nor is it my intention to eliminate CPS as a whole. CPS is needed for the children who are legitimately abused, neglected and molested at the hands of the people they love.?I believe that abolishing the bonuses paid to state and local government for children adopted from foster care will eliminate the incentive to destroy innocent families. ....

    Pass it along so we can quickly reach our quota for signatures. The sooner we reach our goal, the sooner some of these children may come home.

    ??? I'm writing to ask you all to sign this new petition as this is the petition we will submit to the U.S. President and U.S. Congress.?We do need a LOT of signatures but I have faith that if we all share and sign the petition, if you havent already as only ONE signature is needed,?we can achieve this much needed change for our children and future generations.


    ***Since the enactment of ASFA in 1997, the number of children placed in, as well as adopted from, foster care has risen at a disturbing?rate. Children are being removed from falsely accused parents without tangible evidence of wrongdoing. Nearly 99% of all children in foster care are now deemed 'special needs', which further increases federal funding. The title 'Special Needs' was previously only assigned to children with documented physical, mental or psychological disabilities; it now encompasses children in therapy, those on psychotropic medications and suffering with attachment/abandonment issues as a direct result of being removed from loving parents and homes.

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    Gay Men of the West Coast ? Topics on Sexuality & Identity: A ...


    During the past few years I have been able to make friends and acquaintances from all over the world from my travels. Many of these people I have met reside on the west coast of the United States.? These men have always been admirable to me, being emotionally open, sexually confident, and inspirational.? Many have taught me to be more in tune with myself, being open and honest, but at most, true to my ideas behind my art work creation.


    What I am looking to do is spend an extended period of time (2-3 weeks) on the west coast, visiting and meeting up with these men, and further developing my bond and relationship with them, while producing a series of photographs, videos, and performances.? They have taught me so much and I now want to collaborate with them, working off of each other, exploring the topics of male to male relationships, sexuality, and identity together.? I feel there are few gay men that I can relate to.? I have struggled for years being uncomfortable around other gay mean, holding onto anxious stereotypes of them being overly sexual, indulgent, and selfish.? I wish to break free of these apprehensions, and explore a more realistic view of a male connection.


    Seattle, Washington holds two men, Adam Boehmer (Lead singer and creator of the band Tenderfoot) and Jess Wamre (visual artist), who have been pivotal characters in my understanding of male intimacy, mostly with romance and relationships.? We have had many dialogs together, to the extent of us getting emotionally upset and exhausted, opening up the barrier of trust between each other.? These men have always, and will always be important figures in my life.? They have seen many sides of me that many people have not experienced, knowing the type of work that I like to do.? Adam has been a Muse to me in some ways, allowing me to video tape, photograph, and work together in other areas that I haven?t been able to do with other people.? Jess has always been the confidence I lacked, pushing me to try new things, but also holding my hand along the way while I did it.


    I feel close to these two individuals because they have allowed me to understand male friendship and connection.? This homosocial behavior has been stunted for generations with the overly masculine push from the mainstream society.? Men don?t walk arm in arm, stand close, hug, or show any forms of affection that we see from our counterpart of women, or even in other countries.? I feel that these connections I have with Adam and Jess must be recorded, understood and shared with my audience.? I want to work with them to see what works we can produce and further develop.


    As I make my way down the west coast, I want to stop in Portaland, Oregon and visit my dear friend Wayne Bund.? He has always worked side by side with similar ideas of me, looking at representations of masculinity, exploring different perspectives of gender using drag and nature.? These attributes have always been fascinating to me, and Wayne can push those limits with me, cultivating further interpretations and explorations of gender in gay men.?? Wayne is free spirited and has a great knowledge of west coast queer history, mature and knowledgeable, I look to him for guidance and adventures in the woods of Oregon.


    After Portland is the mecca of gay history and culture, San Francisco.? This city has always provided me with great influences from my photographic work, and kicked off my first video work entitled Beard Love.?? This city if full of creative artists and people I have come to love and work with.? I?m looking to build my Queer history and knowledge here on my last stop on my trip, and to work and meet up with a variety of artists.


    So what is to come out of all of this traveling and meetings, art work of course!? I?m looking to produce a series of photographs and videos surrounding me and these other people, integrating myself with my work, but also looking at these types of relationships.? The works will be mostly produced in video and photography.? With your help and support I will be able to physically produce this work. ?Costs of Photographic printing and framing have risen over the past few years, and being part of a series, these images will be produced in limited edition archival prints. ?I have always believed in high quality printing, and to do so, it requires high quality papers, inks, and storage. ?The video work that comes out of these projects will be produced similar to my previous series, in editions, all which have costs in DVDs, casing, and information (example seen below). ?Your support will help fund these projects and allow them to be put into production.

    Also With your support and donations you will get to choose from an array of original Sean M. Johnson art work.? Each donation, no matter what value gives back something that I have made in the past to you.? There are a variety of different donation levels, including my beard love work, small prints, and even larger prints, of almost everything I?ve done in previous years.? I want to thank each and everyone one of you with the support so that I can start making new work that I couldn?t financially do before.? To see more about my work and know more about me, please visit my website at?

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    Stoltz Family Genealogy ? Blog Archive ? An Amazing Photo ...

    After the final discovery of a photo that included the residence of my Alvarado ancestors? house from 1900s and 1920s Los Angeles tucked away in a neighborhood, I thought that was about as good a find as I could get.

    So imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon a close-up image of the very house my great-grandparents lived in when they first arrived in Los Angeles in 1899.

    Sonora Town from a 1900 Sanborn map showing the Alvarado residence at 414 Bellevue AvenueI had occasionally skimmed through collections of old images of Sonora Town, the area around the Plaza Church where Jos? Mar?a and Jes?s Alvarado first landed in the city. I was always on the lookout for that house with a long staircase set at an angle at the southeast corner of North Broadway and Bellevue Avenue (which became Sunset Boulevard in 1912 and today is Cesar Chavez Avenue). I had a schematic of the house at 412-414 Bellevue from a 1900 Sanborn Map, so I knew its basic size, shape and position.

    Close-up of 1900 Sanborn Map location and schematic of Alvarado residence

    Close-up of 1900 Sanborn Map location and schematic of Alvarado residence

    So imagine my surprise when a look through the USC Digital Library revealed an amazing close-up of that very house.

    Exterior of an adobe built by Francisco Manza at 412 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, ca.1925

    The description reads:

    Photograph of the exterior of an adobe built by Francisco Manza at 412 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, ca.1925. The adobe, built in 1865, is pictured here from the side; a small brick kiln and a collection of other yard items stands with a small palm tree alongside the house. Farther in, a door with a mail-slat and a six-paned sliding window are visible at the back of the raised porch, from which wooden stairs descend to the right.

    Exterior of an adobe built by Francisco Manza at 412 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, ca.1925, University of Southern California. Libraries, Title Insurance and Trust / C.C. Pierce Photography Collection, 1860-1960

    This has got to be one of the most exciting family history discoveries I?ve made, an actual glimpse into how my immigrant great-grandparents first experienced this city.

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